Can You Freeze Turkey Bacon? (Cooked & Uncooked)

Can You Freeze Turkey Bacon

The love that Americans have for BLT sandwiches is impeccable. Layers of bacon, lettuce, tomato, sauces, and spiciness make it a preferred lunch or snack option for several people, including us. Some might even prefer adding turkey bacon to make it even more delicious, so it is often stocked in the kitchen pantry.

But such hoarding might come at a price, as turkey bacon can go bad. However, one can prevent such a consequence by freezing it.

This terrific storing technique can extend the shelf life of the turkey bacon and help you use it for a long period. However, there are a few things to bear in mind when freezing turkey bacon. We’ll clear up some of your questions about the benefits and uses of freezing turkey bacon and how to store it properly in this post.

Does freezing turkey bacon affect its quality?

No, the quality of turkey bacon will not be harmed by freezing it. It will assist in increasing the shelf life of your bacon and prevent it from spoiling as rapidly.

It’s vital to remember that you should never put the bacon back in the fridge after the bacon has been frozen. The bacon will lose its flavor and become dry if it is kept in the freezer.

A Complete Guide to Freezing Turkey Bacon

Turkey bacon can fill the void left by pork bacon, whether you require a substitute due to dietary constraints or religious restrictions.

There are a few things to keep in mind while freezing turkey bacon. The first is that your bacon should never be thawed and refrozen. The bacon will lose its flavor and become dry due to this.

The second essential item to remember is to slice your bacon before freezing it. This will make it easier to cook later and preserve the flavor.

You should also think about how to cook your bacon when slicing it. If you’re going to cook it, thinly slice it first. You can slice it in the size of your desire if you want to go ahead and bake it.

Place your bacon slices in a freezer-safe bag once they’ve been sliced. Before sealing the bag, squeeze out all of the air. After that, you can place the bag in the freezer for upto 6 months.

Cooking Frozen Turkey Bacon

Cooking Turkey Bacon

When you are ready to cook your frozen turkey bacon, there are a few differences. When you’re ready to cook your frozen turkey bacon, you have a few options. You’ll need to defrost the bacon a little first.

The first step is to deep-fry it. Place it in the refrigerator overnight or run it under cold water.

Once the bacon has thawed, sauté it in a frying skillet.

The other option is to bake it. If you don’t want to deal with the mess of frying, this is a perfect alternative. Before baking your bacon, preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. On top of a foil-lined baking sheet, place a wire rack. This will ensure that the bacon cooks evenly. Bake for 20-25 minutes with the bacon on the wire rack.

Microwaving is the third option. Although this is the quickest way to cook frozen bacon, it does not always turn out as crisp as the other techniques. Microwave your bacon for 1-2 minutes after placing it on a paper towel.

Regardless of the method you select, cook your bacon until it is crisp.

Author’s note: Always watch frozen bacon when cooking it to ensure it doesn’t overcook. Turkey bacon may quickly move from cooked to burned.

Can I Freeze Uncooked Turkey Bacon?

uncooked turkey bacon

It is possible to freeze raw turkey bacon. Just make sure to slice it before freezing it. This will help it keep its flavor and make cooking more accessible in the future.

The following are the steps we propose for freezing uncooked turkey bacon:

  1. Depending on how you plan to cook the bacon, cut it into thin or thick slices.
  2. Squeeze all the air out of the bacon in a freezer-safe bag.
  3. Store the bacon in the freezer for up to six months.
  4. Thaw the bacon overnight in the fridge or run it under cold water when you’re ready to cook it.
  5. Cook until the bacon is crisp.

Can You Freeze Cooked Turkey Bacon?

No worries if you used up the entire package of turkey bacon and ended up with many leftovers! Cooked turkey bacon can be frozen indefinitely.

You don’t have to worry about cooked bacon going wrong in the freezer since it freezes just as well as uncooked bacon. Simply slice it and store it in a freezer-safe bag before freezing it.

Here’s how to store cooked turkey bacon in the freezer:

  1. Depending on how you reheat the bacon, cut it into thin or thick slices.
  2. Remove all the air from the freezer-safe bag where you put the bacon.
  3. Store the bacon in the freezer for up to six months.
  4. Thaw the bacon overnight in the fridge or run it under cold water when ready to eat.
  5. Return the bacon to the oven to crisp it up.
  6. Have fun!

Freezing Turkey Bacon – FAQs

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about freezing turkey bacon:

Is it possible to defrost and re-freeze turkey bacon?

No, turkey bacon should never be thawed and refrozen. The bacon will lose its flavor and become dry due to this.

How long does unopened turkey bacon last in the fridge?

In the fridge, unopened turkey bacon can last one to two weeks. It should be consumed within seven days of opening.

How long does turkey bacon last once it’s been opened in the fridge?

In the fridge, opened turkey bacon can last up to seven days.


So, can you freeze turkey bacon? The answer is yes! You can freeze it before or after cooking, and it will retain its quality. We have provided you with a complete guide to freezing turkey bacon in this article. We also showed you how to cook frozen turkey bacon in a few simple steps. Did you find this article helpful? Let me know in the comment section below!

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