What Happens If Frozen Pizza is Thawed?

What Happens If Frozen Pizza is Thawed

Pizza is one of those rare few items that have no haters. It is also one of the first options that come to mind when you have to order. However, ordering more pizzas than necessary might lead you to refrigerate them so that you can enjoy the taste the next day.

However, should such frozen pizza be consumed? Wouldn’t the thawing process rip off its taste? If such questions linger in your mind,  you have come to the right place.

We shall explain the best ways to thaw your frozen pizza while retaining the texture, consistency, and taste. Read along to know how so that you never have to throw away your pizza.

Can you get sick from thawed pizza?

Women Eating thawed pizza

There is always a risk of foodborne illness when defrosting any food, as bacteria can begin to grow when the food is in the “danger zone” between 40°F and 140°F. However, if you thaw pizza properly, there is no need to worry about becoming sick from the pizza.

To avoid bacteria from forming, prepare the pizza as soon as it has thawed. You can even cook the pizza directly from frozen, although it may take a few minutes longer to cook all the way through.

Is It Dangerous to Thaw a Pizza Before Cooking in the Oven?

No, it is not dangerous to thaw pizza before cooking it in the oven. Some experts recommend it. If you choose to thaw your pizza before cooking it, be sure to do so safely.

This will help to prevent any bacteria from growing on the pizza. We advise you not to eat any pizza kept in the open for more than two hours. 

Once the pizza is thawed, cook it immediately in a preheated oven. Do not refreeze the pizza after thawing.

How Long Can Frozen Pizza Be Left Out?

How Long Can Frozen Pizza Be Left Out

Frozen pizza is not meant to be kept outside the freezer for a prolonged time. If the pizza has been left out for longer than two hours, it should be thrown out and not consumed. There is a high chance of catching foodborne illnesses if such pizzas are consumed.

Note: Frozen pizza is only safe to eat after properly thawed and cooked. Once the pizza has been thawed, it should be eaten within 24 hours.

Methods To Thaw Frozen Pizza

Methods To Thaw Frozen Pizza

Assuming that you have a frozen pizza that you need to thaw, there are a few methods that can be used to do so. Below are three popular methods:

First method:

Place the frozen pizza on the countertop at room temperature. This will take some time, depending on how cold the pizza is, to begin with. Once it has reached room temperature, it can then be placed in a preheated oven and cooked according to the instructions on the pizza box.

Second method:

Place the frozen pizza in the microwave. Make sure to use the defrost setting on your microwave, and cook the pizza for a shorter amount of time than you would if it were fresh.

Third method:

Place the frozen pizza in the oven and set it to a low temperature. This will take a bit longer than either of the other methods but ultimately will result in a thawed pizza that can be cooked according to the instructions on the box.

How to Tell if the Frozen Pizza is Bad? 

Even though thawing a frozen pizza is quite simple, the process must be avoided if your frozen pizza is showing the following spoilage signs:

  • Unpleasant and rancid smell from the pizza
  • Presence of mold on top of the pizza
  • Slimy texture
  • Discoloration


How can you tell if the frozen pizza has gone bad?

If the frozen pizza has gone bad, it will show signs of freezer burn or mold. If the pizza has a freezer burn, the crust will be dry and hard. If the pizza has mold, it will have white or green spots. If you see either of these signs, the pizza should be thrown out and not consumed.

Why is my frozen pizza soggy?

If your frozen pizza is soggy, it may be due to improper thawing or cooking. If you thawed the pizza before cooking it, cook it immediately after thawing. If you cooked the pizza directly from frozen, it might not have been cooked long enough. Be sure to check the package for specific cook times.

Can you get food poisoning from frozen pizza?

Yes, you can get food poisoning from frozen pizza if it is not cooked or stored correctly. If the pizza is not cooked long enough, the dough will be undercooked and may contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

If the pizza is not stored correctly, bacteria can grow on the pizza and cause food poisoning. Be sure to cook the pizza thoroughly and store it properly to avoid food poisoning.


I hope this article has answered your questions about what happens if frozen pizza is thawed. As you can see, there is no need to worry about becoming sick from the pizza as long as it is thawed and cooked correctly. Just be sure to eat the pizza within 24 hours of thawing, and do not refreeze it after thawing. Enjoy your pizza!

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